Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Two New Awesome Interviews On Success Radio 11:11

There are two awesome new interviews on Success Radio 11:11 since I last mentioned it.
The first is with Author, Deon Du Plessis who has a terrific ebook called (in)Action.
Deon really nails some seriously enlightening info on the power of core beliefs.

The second interview is with Author, Adrian McMaster of
Adrian talks about life from a single's point of view and how important goals and coaching are in making your life all it can be.


All the best!
Bill White

Secrets of My Success

Success Strategies

Rediscovering You - Success Begins At Your Core

It's a funny thing, in my twenties as a single I knew my self so very well. At times I thought I had reached a true pinnacle. Then I got married to my wife and over half a decade, I lost touch, or perhaps completely redefined myself.

This isn't a bad thing, but I began to feel an emptiness and what came about from that was extremely interesting. See I started noticing that I was having dreams where I saw a lot of old friends, or hung out in old places. I was going back to listening to old music, things I'd enjoyed a decade earlier.

Living in Texas has been awesome to me. I've loved the people, the area, the successes I've had here, but I grew up on the East Coast. I feel the ocean in my soul. I long for it, now more than ever. So I'm planning to buy a boat, get some good fishing in...enjoy the salt air and the seagulls.

I think it's very important to remember where you've come from, remember your past and draw strength from it. I'm not suggesting we dwell on it, but so often I hear people saying to forget the past, move on... I don't think we need to discard it like an old rug.

All of this makes me think of Pretty Woman, when Richard Gere was out in the lawn bare foot "reconnecting." Sometimes it is where we have been that gives us the strength to push forward.

All the best!
Bill White

Secrets of my success

Success Strategies

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Success: How To Get Out Of A Funk

Sometimes you find yourself moving along steadily with your goals. Other times life happens. Do you know what I mean? Sometimes things take an unexpected turn or don't go as quickly as you'd like. If this happens enough you can find yourself derailed from the dream track. But then what?

Well if you're a loser, you give up and go back to the 9 to 5 grind like a good little cow in the pasture. If you want to win you have to learn to swim upstream!

Here are just a few thoughts on that concept that I've found personally helpful.

1) If you discover yourself off track, don't freak out. You should expect that at times you'll get delayed. Just take a moment to review your goals and pick up at the part you last accomplished.

2) Don't blame outside influences for your set back. Take full responsibility and simply make a course correction. Blame leads to excuses why you don't reach your goals. No time for that!

3) Take an hour and still your mind and body. Take a cold shower. Listen to some loud music. Whatever it takes to get you motivated and clear. It is well worth an hour to do this if it will focus you again.

4) Build a support network. You can use a Mastermind Group, a network of success minded friends or just a supportive spouse but tell people what you intend to accomplish and have them follow up with you about it. This will hold you accountable. It is amazing what living up to your own mouth can help you do!

All the best!
Bill White

secrets of my success
success strategies

Monday, May 29, 2006

You Say Ok With the Idea of Teams, But Then How Do You Get Good Help?

I've both seen it and lived it. The fine balance between realizing you need to leverage the talents of other people and getting them to consistently often a balancing point that proves difficult to achieve. How can you recruit people to follow you unswervingly and deliver consistently?

Here are some top points I've learned about leadership.

1) Praise immediately, praise specifically and praise publically.
Praise immediately to give the most influence from your praise. Praise specifically to get repeate performances. Praise publically because it is like focusing the sun's energy through a magnifying glass...can we say laser powered!

2) Save the critical discussions for private, and criticize the behaviour not the person .
If you publically humiliate people you not only lose the respect of the person you insult but pretty much everyone else who hears about it. Keep the closed door discussions behind closed doors. Before you lash out, also remember that you aren't perfect. Don't insult the person, just be clear about what your expectations were and how what the person did failed to meet your expectations.

3) Be very clear about what your expectations are, and build a strong vision for your team.
People can't perform miracles if they are wandering in the dark. Don't expect your team to be psychic and know what you need without clearly defined expectations.

4) Priority, Budget, Due Date, End Result Expected.
Be clear on these details and you're likely to get what you want consistently.

5) Walk around your team members.
Be available and involved. Observe how things are going don't rely on reporting.

6) Establish mile posts between points a and b.
Often things can be broken down into smaller tasks that can be monitored more efficiently.

7) Meet often enough to maintain the focus.
Remind people what your expectations are through the course of the project. If questions or challenges arise, meeting are where alternate courses of action should be strategized and implemented.

So why am I talking about this today? Well, sometimes people we expect to succeed with us don't always keep the pace. Sometimes it's best to part ways and find new talent. Suffice it to say I've experienced this of late. This is also why it pays dividends to network and keep a constant stream of talented people in your pipeline.

Everyone who is a major team player in your group should have someone who plays a supporting minor role so they can step up to fill a gap if one is ever created. Don't get caught with your pants down, it could be right when you can make the greatest stride. Success happens when preperation meets opportunity.

All the best!
Bill White

Success Radio

Synchronicity and Success

personal development

Saturday, May 27, 2006

Lifting People Up. The Leapfrog Method of Success

Success as most people who are successful know, is most definitely a team sport. There is no quicker way to succeed than to help and let other people help you. Now helping was never a problem for me, I was always the kid who would share his lunch money in school. But asking for help was a huge challenge. Why?

My father was an amazing man. He could fix or build anything. This was a guy who built a model T Ford from nothing...literally fabricated it. He built a cast iron wood burning stove. He knew how to install plumbing, electrical, carpentry, cabinet work. He was a true jack of all trades.

It was difficult growing up with him because he liked things to be perfect and he could deliver on that. Everything my father built was something you could park a tank on. So what's the problem you say? My father couldn't stand to let anyone do anything for him. As a result he worked non-stop. His most common comment was, "If you want something done right you have to do it yourself."

This won't cut it when it comes to success. You have got to learn to delegate. But here is reality. You start delegating and people don't value what you do as much as you do. They botch things...and so, you, Bill's Dad is right. Stop.

You have to determine what is critical, and what is desired. The better you can communicate what is critical, the more you can insure you'll get what counts most. It's best to delegate in a way that you list the end results but not the methods to get the end results, then let the people who help you do what they are best at.

So how do you find people? Ask your friends and family if they know someone who does what you need done. Get personal referrals first. There are many places on the web that you can also get quotes from many experts in any field. Compare and contrast people. Check references. If you find someone falling short of your expectations change people very quickly. The best rule is be slow to hire and quick to fire.

Don't forget this works two ways. Who is currently asking your for help? Who could you be helping that may not even know to ask? Lifting people up will build great loyalty.

All of this comes down to your plan. Are you planning to work for the next 40 years? Are you planning for wealth? What is it you want? Now figure out who will help you get there..and pursue getting as much help as possible.

All the best!
Bill White

personal development

Friday, May 26, 2006

Success is Stepping Up and Saying Yes

I am constantly amazed at how much I can accomplish just by telling people what I'd like them to do. Most people don't get what they want because they don't ask for it. Most people don't ask for what they want because they are thinking negatively and are vividly imagining the person they would ask telling them no.

How many times do you defeat yourself per day with this very same tactic? Hey, I'll be the first to admit I do it at times as well. I do it a lot less now that I'm aware of it...but this is where we hit that fear factor. We are afraid of rejection so we just don't ask.

This is absolutely stupid! What harm can come from hearing the word no? What good can come from hearing the word yes? Doesn't this make perfect sense? If you agree that it does, then why don't you ask for the promotion? Ask for the date? Ask for the sale? I long ago adopted a rule, it's always easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission.

Do it. Be bold. Step up and ask for what you want. Take what you want. If you meet resistance, say, "I'm sorry I just couldn't imagine you saying no to this!"

personal development

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Doubt: The Killer of Flow

Have you ever been fully engaged in a project but had someone pick it apart with their negative attitude, and before you know it, wham, the project starts to crumble? Negative people, starting and most importantly with yourself can sabotage the best laid plans. So often we are right on the verge of brilliance when we sabotage our own efforts, thinking thoughts like, "This isn't working." or "Who do I think I am?" or "I'm too ____ (old, young, rich, poor, ugly, fat, etc."

It may be that you have a spouse who thinks you can't succeed at doing something. Maybe they are too conservative and think it's better to be safe than sorry. Perhaps you can't get promoted because your boss doesn't believe in your ability to take more responsibility.

No matter where the source, doubt is a killer. It cuts you off from yourself. It cuts you off from your dreams. Henry Ford said,"If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." I'd add to that , "if you believe what someone else thinks about whether you can or can't do something you're right." More often than not if we isolated ourselves we would probably rough things out till completion. So let's pick apart the reasons we let someone take the wind out of our sails.

1) Obligation- Examples: "Well she is my wife, she is scared and needs me to have a "job" with "benefits" to feel safe. I guess I'll go back to "work" and give up this entrepenuerial dream."

"Well, he feels threatened if I make more money than him, so I guess I'll quit my management position and stay home with the kids."

These are the guilt trips laid on us by people who are feeling insecure. They usually don't mean a bad thing by it, but are caught up in their own box and dealing with their own fear issues when you by your actions call attention to what is outside the box.

Now the guilt trips aren't stopping you, you are stopping you because you are wanting to avoid a potentially painful situation or an ugly argument.

Solution: Reassure the person that what you are doing will not change the way you feel about them, but make it clear you are going to do what it is you need to do anyway.

2) Fear- Examples: If I become successful I'll have to be more responsible and I already feel overwhelmed!

Becoming rich will make people envy me.

My life will change if I do this. (Which I want, but at the same time this will make me start a new chapter...things will never be the same again.)

Fear is often the root of our paralysis. Doubting that things will turn out better than ever, that there must be some catch, waiting for the shoe to drop...these are all fear issues and fear is nothing more than lack of faith.

Solution: Feel the fear and do it anyway. Everyone feels fearful from time to time. Just go with it. The best leaders have simply mastered doing things despite the adrenalin rush. Go for it!

3) Doing something that disagrees with your core beliefs.
Examples: I want to make a million dollars, but I've been raised to believe that money is the root of all evil. Your husband beats you but your Dad says divorce is against God's will.

These are some of the hardest to overcome, as well they should be. If your beliefs aren't difficult to change how sincere are your beliefs? When it comes to issues dealing with beliefs, you really have to take a critical view of the core belief versus the new desired outcome. Is there a way to reconcile the conflict? If not, are you going to abandon the desire, or the belief?

The best way to stay in the flow that I've experienced is to just push ahead with confidence. Don't listen to anyone but your inner voice. What does it tell you? Stand up to the occassion, make the tough choices and act on those choices. Most of all, honor your beliefs, and live by your own one else will respect you if you don't!

All the best!
Bill White

Deeds Not Words

I had a strong case of Synchronicity this morning. I am notorious for not getting enough sleep. My diet isn't horrible, I don't smoke, drink heavily or do any illegal drugs...but I must confess I love to stay awake! I retired early last night around 9pm hoping to get my internal clock recalibrated...planning to get up about 4:30 or 5am. Instead I had a very vivid and intense dream and woke up at exactly 1:11am.

This is the first 1:11, 11:11, 2:22 etc. experience I've had in some time and I always take it to mean I'm running very close to my destiny when I start seeing it frequently. In this instance I immediately started praying, it was very intense. I gave praise and found myself to be weeping.

Those who know me, know for me to cry is almost unheard of...for me to! I can't say what was the cause other than that I felt close to God in those moments.

After that I felt the need to get up and read the good book. So I did just that and I came upon some scripture that was just read to me not long ago from a new friend. It was speaking about how believing in one God isn't enough, the demons believe and tremble. What it boils down to is that you have to not only believe but you have to act according to that belief. I thought it was a very strong message for me..and I thought it would be a good one to pass on to you.

They say the road to hell is lined with good intentions. How much of what you believe are you actually living? Do you have the courage of your convictions? I know that I strive very hard to live up to my beliefs and I am thankful I have a forgiving master because I fall short frequently. Were it not for my saviour I'd be lost. But this is a great refocus for me...this 1:11 wake up call. It says to me, live with love for thy neighbor and show in deeds not just words what you believe.

I am sure not everyone who reads these posts is a Christian...and I have hopes for you. But I believe that you will be most convinced by my life and not by my words.

Also, it dawned on me today that I could probably place a player for the podcast right here so you can sample it! I'm not sure if this will work but here goes!

There is a new interview up and it's a really good one with Ineke Van Lint. Be sure to check it out!

All the best!
Bill White

Monday, May 22, 2006

Leadership and New Content On The Way to Success Radio 11:11

Here we go! I'm fully booked this week so new content is coming very soon to Success Radio 11:11. The response has been phenomenal and the competition is getting crushed. We are already on the Alexa map and rising quickly! That's nothing compared to the visibility on some of the big podcast spots. Thanks to everyone who is making a difference. This podcast is for you and you are putting it at the top...

For those of you reading that are already astonishingly successful and have something for my readers/listeners to hear, send me a note and let's get your word out.

There's a reason for all of this horn tooting today. It's something very important that has just been illustrated. I just showed you the closed circuit of success. First, give value..this is critical. Second, give thanks. Also critical. Third, give help. CTH...and no for you boneheads this isn't an acronym for 4:20.

If you spend your time doing these things, you will flourish in business. If you spend your time doing these things, you will flourish in relationships. That pretty much covers life doesn't it?

Who new and interesting did you meet this week? I've met some great people, gotten to know some great people even better and it just keeps me so enthusiastic to do so! Take 2 hours this week and make it a point to get to know at least 3 new people. You've got to build some networks up if you want to get things going on. You know I'm saying all of this and I'll tell you the truth. I wasn't always a social butterfly. 10 years ago I had long hair and you would have called me a lone wolf. Why am I telling you this? Because we're getting into the painful territory when we start talking about networking.

Not everyone was born with the ability to make everyone like them automatically. I know, and I feel you pain. Here's what I'm going to tell you to liberate your soul and make you 1000x happier, 1) Stop worrying about what other people think. Don't do it, it's a waste of time! Believe me when I say that the most confident person you know is sometimes wondering if you noticed that poppy seed stuck between their teeth! 2) It's lonely at the top sometimes.

See when you finally quit caring, what you do is you stop following and you start leading. Now initially you may be leading yourself down a road where no one else wants to follow. This is what I call the prophet's path. It's a great road, albeit sometimes very lonely, but the wonder of this path is that you get to meet your creator. You will learn about yourself and the creator who made you..and this is entirely awesome! Now any monk will tell you that isolation after awhile just isn't what the good Lord intended for you. See you can be totally "enlightened" but if you can't pull it off in the big still don't get it. (I'm still "getting" it! Truth be known it's a big pill!) Oddly enough, what usually happens to yank you out of this one is you get immersed in a relationship, then everything you "knew" about yourself gets completely redefined!

Once you regain composure for that, you'll start looking for friends again. "Man is not an island!"
So now it's who will follow? Who will walk with you?

Leadership is relatively easy. There are only two things you need to do to become a leader....step up! and take responsibility. That means make a choice even if it's wrong. Don't be an indecisive nelly! Step up, if you're wrong, say I'm sorry I was wrong. It's always easier to say I'm sorry than to ask permission anyway! Next, take responsibility. When it doesn't work out, say oops, then recalibrate. Don't throw your hands up and cry like a sissy and say you give up. Just figure out what other way you need to go!

So that's my exhaustive sermon tonight. Take what you will from it and grow!

All the best!
Bill White

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Praising God for Good Results!
Here is am on Sunday morning ready to wake the family on go to church in a few hours. Yes I know it isn't everyone who stays up all night and works but I'm a man with a mission. I want to help people realize that what they desire is not beyond them. If I can just click the light bulb on for a handful isn't it worth it?

I am truely amazed and blessed by how much traffic is currently flowing to my brand new website

This is the most traffic I've seen in 24 hours in my experience all without a press release or anything. The word must be out that I am not playing around. I don't want just another "seminar" with no real content and a strong sales pitch at the end. I want to deliver content that will help people whether they purchase anything or not. I'm not doing this for the money. I'm doing this for the good of humanity.

I want to side note this with one thing so I don't have to answer this later. When I am learning about any part of success that is new to me, I usually go right to or Barnes and Noble...and I buy 5-7 titles on the topic if I can find them. I gladly pay for the information because I want to learn and grow at a fast pace. My most recent action on this front is on learning to give good seminars because I intend to start doing that. See, I'm laying out my life for you in plain secrets here.

I just bought 7 books on the subject and I read them on any occassion I can do it...whether that's an odd moment during the day or night alone..or even on the toilet or in the car at red lights. Seriously, if you want to bad do you want it? Anyway, I will in the broadcast of Success Radio 11:11 drive you to explore websites or products and services that will help you but I won't make that the only reason I do what I do.

I sincerely care if you succeed or not. I really mean that. Enough so that I have my contact info everywhere you explore when it comes to my sites/blogs/podcasts etc. I'm not invisible here...I'm real and I want to know who you are and what you want to achieve. I like helping people achieve their dreams...that is what makes me tick. I'm not like some "gurus" out there that say you have to look out for #1 first then go for it.

I know that if you are climbing the ladder of success it doesn't matter what rung you are have to acknowledge the help and support along the way and the moment you forget it, you slide straight to the bottom. I won't forget you. Take your dreams and share them with me..let me help you. I've been through the school of hard knocks and I'm a man of substance not hot air. Let's do something creative and outside of the box. Let's challenge the "usual." Here I am...are you ready for me?

Saturday, May 20, 2006

What a terrific night last night! I went into hyper-productive mode and cranked out two whole websites!
The one I'll share with you is for my podcast, Success Radio 11:11 and you can see it here:

Success Radio 11:11 promises to be one of my best pet projects yet...and I haven't even rolled out video yet.

It's funny, I'll probably get 3 hours of sleep today and I think often about people who tell me they want success but then tell me they're tired and going to bed, night after night. If sleeping by itself created $100 bills trust me, I'd sleep ALOT! In 3 hours I can program my mind but I've got to spring forward and commit to action to get things moving. So Should YOU!

I'd stay and ponder the universe a bit more but it's time for a session with a client!

All the best!
Bill White

Friday, May 19, 2006

Dealing With Frustrations

So often when you are trying to be more successful you hit roadblocks. Sometimes it is someone you are working with that isn't producing things quickly enough, other times it's having to learn a new technology and not having an easy time of it. If the road to wealth and success were easy, everyone would be laying on a beach sipping pina colada's. Don't think that having a million dollars makes everything go right. No matter where you are on the ladder of success things can still go wrong. What is more important than whether or not your luck is perfectly good, is how you deal with the situations that occur. You can't control everything, but you can control yourself.

When things go wrong, the first thing to do is take a small break. Get up and take a walk. Do some deep breathing. Avoid talking about things to anyone else when you are frustrated. You are more likely to say the wrong thing, make matters worse or attract more problems when you are in this state of mind. Once you've calmed yourself take a look at the situation. Ask yourself the following questions:

Is this current task mission critical? If it doesn't get done what are the repercussions? If you are more concerned about how things are done, than that they are done...or if you are worrying about some detail that makes little difference, let it go.

How did the problem arise and what is the easiest solution? Do you need to just do it yourself? Can you encourage the other person to get it done more quickly? Can you delegate it to someone else? Is there an expert you currently aren't employing that you could hire or contract to take care of it?

Do you lack information that you need? What do you need to find out to solve this? Where can you likely find this information?

The solution to frustration is analysis followed immediately by action.

Think of frustrations as the challenges you as a hero/heroine must face. Change your thinking so instead of frustrated you feel "challenged" then rise to the challenge. These will be the stories you tell one day when people ask about your success!

All the best!
Bill White

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

How to Increase Your Income At Light Speed

Most people I've known over the years have complained that the raises they got at their jobs barely kept pace with inflation. For many years I knew what they meant, seeing small 1-3% raises yearly. Everyone wanted to make more money, but no one seemed to have an answer. I have a lot of people ask me what the secrets to making large amounts of money are. Here is a very simplified way: Think about what you do that is valuable. It may be job skill, it may be something you know a great deal about. Ask yourself how you can do it for more people.

Think of how you could deliver the product or service to more people. How would you do it? Who could you hire to do it for you?

Next, think about how you can charge more for it. What can you add to it that costs you little or nothing but makes the value perception increase dramatically? How can you package it to make it seem worth more? We live in a free enterprise system in most of the world. This means that the price of a good or service is whatever the market will pay.

Now how can you produce it quicker? Can you produce it by hiring peope to assist you? What can you automate or systemize?

I came to this conclusion because I recognized that a company I used to work for was charging in one month of billables enough to pay my salary for a year..this on the work I produced! If they could do it, why couldn't I?

Also think of things in terms of units. Large companies often buy thousands at a time of products, even if you were talking about selling 10,000 of something at $4 a pop....wouldn't that make a nice chunk of change for a few weeks work?

What do you have that you can get into the supply chain of a major company?

The possibilities are limitless...are you excited yet?

All the best!
Bill White

New Content on Success Radio 11:11

Just a quick note to let you know that there is a new interview posted on Success Radio 11:11
If you haven't listened in to it yet, it's very easy to do.
If you have Itunes installed, just click this link and Itunes will launch you
right to it:

If you don't have Itunes my only question is why not? It's free and awesome! If you prefer a direct xml link here it is:

I promise there will be a lot more to come! All the best! Bill White

When Success And Motivation heroes Turn Out To Be Disappointing.

You know I've been letting this one sit in the back of my mind for awhile. I had to let it simmer down because it was boiling and I don't like to speak when I'm angry.

When it comes to the subject of personal development I take an almost sanctimonious attitude. What could be more spiritual than wanting to improve who you are? Is this not the point of every dogma out there...To give us a foundation to improve ourselves? That is why when I find out that someone who is spreading the gospel of motivation and success is doing so while at the same time stepping on people to make himself a fortune, acting completely from greed and selfishness and downright being a phony I get really furious. It makes it even worse when it was someone whose advice did help me at one time and whom I had a good, fuzzy, warm feeling about.

I'll tell you right now that I'm not going to mention any names. What I will say is this though, sometimes the message can be bigger than the man. When you find that to be the case take the message and leave the man. What can be worse than someone who claims to help people achieve wealth while he screws people over. It's not the profit incentive or the lack of 100% success rates, it the intentional, willful deceit, the lies and the disregard for people. You could be a "made" man and you'd be more honest, in fact I've known a few who were!

I take my greatest satisfaction in knowing that what comes around goes around and that the very best revenge is my own success. I can sleep well at night knowing I offered this person my help at a discount from my normal price in good faith and that I treated every part of my dealings with them with the highest ethical standards. The short sightedness of someone who thinks grabbing a buck today at the expense of integrity won't leave them in a bad position later is almost too funny and naive' to be angered at for long. Shame on them, and they know who they are. God is watching you!

All the best!

Bill White

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Real Success=Selling You

Are you someone who thinks that sales people are dishonest? Does the thought of selling make you want to run to a bathroom stall? I'm here to tell you that one of the highest paying jobs there is, is SALES. In fact, I believe I read a statistic that said the higest paying profession (excluding entrepenuerial business starters and real estate investors) is in fact Sales!

Now does that mean I'm telling you to grab a monkey suit and hit a car lot tomorrow morning? Only if that's where you are today! But we sell all day everyday no matter who we are and what we're doing. You doubt me? How did you hook up with that boyfriend/girlfriend or husband/wife? You think you weren't selling then? How about when you ask for that raise, borrow the neighbors lawnmower.... You are constantly selling. Now acknowledge that then welcome yourself to the real world.

You see, everyone has an agenda, even you. It may be your agenda is to support a charity but what lies underneath that? Isn't it making yourself feel good about you? Be honest! And HEY, that's ok! Now that you can admit to yourself that you are in fact SELLING, let's get you good at it!

To be good, here is what you need to do, tell everyone you meet what is in it for them. That's right, quit living for you, live for everyone else. Make it your life mission to assist as many people in getting what they want as you can. You are now a professional sorter and you are sorting people you can help from people you can't. Are you catching on yet?

Don't ever let rejection bother you because people aren't rejecting YOU, they are rejecting the opportunity to be helped by you. Big difference! Now you can stand tall and breathe deeply. You are awesome and you are every thing you ever need to be. Now imagine that you are a billionaire...yep, skip the millions. You say trillionaire? Go for it! Let this idea linger....forever. Delude yourself. Now go about your business and watch how people fall over themselves to assist you. Wonderful isn't it? Don't believe me...go test it and come back tomorrow!

All the best!
Bill White

Monday, May 15, 2006

Da Vinci Code: Do You Think It Will Change Your Views On Christianity?

With all the buzz about the upcoming movie release of The Da Vinci Code, I thought I'd expound my philosophy about the current controversy. Everywhere Christian leaders are up in arms over The Da Vinci Code saying that the facts in the movie are incorrect and are misleading people about the truth of Christianity. Because I'm sort of a prodigal son when it comes to religion...having wandered off into many other religions and philosophies in my youth after a very trying 10th year of life, I sat up to listen intently at the last few sermons given by the minister of my church. I was pretty surprised to hear some of the claims made in The Da Vinci Code, simply because I've heard them before though not in a work of fiction. I was even more fascinated at how adeptly handled these historical inaccuracies were corrected by my thoroughly well educated minister. I've always been a keen student of history...and even beyond that an even more enthusiastic student of truth, so getting the stories straight was something I've been anxiously wanting to do...not just with the movie...but in life itself.

That aside, I am somewhat puzzled by the intense defense of Christianity that resulted from this book/movie. The reason I feel that way is because my belief is based on faith. When I chose to be baptised as a kid, I did so based on the faith that Christ is the son of God. I didn't need facts about when Constantine did anything. I didn't need to know how the King James Bible was created and what books were put in or left out. Not that these subjects don't fascinate me, but my belief in Jesus as Christ and Saviour came from the simple accounting of the Gospels and the message they give. Truthfully, if scientists revealed ireffutable proof tomorrow morning that Jesus was married, it would not change my faith because I believe he is God. I believe he lived without sin and died on the cross for my personal sins and that he is resurrected. Nothing can shake that.

I'll be going to see The Da Vinci Code, but I think I'll do it after Church!

All the best!

Bill White

Success, How Bad Do You Want It?

Inevitably anytime someone wants to reach a goal it takes a little bit more time, energy and/or resources than you expect. This may be my belief because I tend to be overly optimistic but, I've learned to compensate for it over the years. There is great truth in what people say about how most people stop just short of success. It's that, "My God, this isn't going to work, I can't take this anymore." moment that should make you refocus and push the motivation back into check.

The question that should always kick in like a knee jerk when you want to quit is "How bad do you want it?" Do you want it bad enough to write it down on a notecard and look at it every morning and evening? Do you want it bad enough to sacrifice time in front of the television? Do you want it bad enough to keep moving even when it sucks or it hurts or everyone is getting pissed at you for not spending enough time with them? How bad do you really want what you think you want?

You know what it takes? It takes absolute resolve that you want what you want and you'll stop at nothing to get it. Then you prove that resolve till the job is done.

So often we spend too much time making excuses. "I can't write unless I have absolute quiet, a cappucinno and Dark Side of The Moon playing. Nonsense! Do you want to be a writer bad enough to write when you're in rush hour traffic sitting in gridlock with a digital recorder in one hand sweating because the a/c isn't working?

Time is the greatest commodity we have. It is the most precious and the most fleeting. We waste it too well. So you take what it is that you want and you hold it close to the vest and make the resolve stick right now. See the result in your mind. Make a solid promise to yourself that you won't quit...heck you won't even quit if it kills you! Then do what you have to do.

My father laid under the car on rainy nights in February...cold as hell. Why? Do you think he enjoyed turning a wrench on a night when the shiver was straight up his spine and everytime he slipped with the wrench the pain rang through his knuckles 5 times worse because of the bitter cold? No, he did it because he was commited to keeping the cars running! Did he cuss? Yep. Did he suck down some hot coffee here and there? Yep. Did he ever stop and whine that it is too cold and wet to do this? Not once. That's what it takes.

So again I ask, "how bad do you want it?"

All the best!
Bill White

P.S. Did you sign up for my podcast yet?
If you have Itunes, just click this link:

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Little Things That Make You Remembered

Go the extra mile to thank someone when they commit a random act of kindness. If a store clerk helps you carry a heavy item to your car, give him/her a tip and a big thank you. You will inspire more acts of kindness by pointing them out and making a big deal out of them. This is even more true if you do it in public. Thank someone immediately, specifically and publicly and you’ll have a friend for life. You'll get better tables at restaurants, better customer service...simple compliments and a warm "thank you" will make you a wildly popular person.

Sending simple thank you notes is an almost lost art that can really distinguish you from the crowd. Taking the time to simply write an expression of your gratitude will stay with a person for a long time afterwards. Isn’t it worth a dollar to make someone remember you? Again, remember to do this quickly and specifically. You want to point out exactly what they did. It is far more meaningful to say, “Joe, thank you for helping my wife load the groceries last Wednesday, I really appreciate it.” Than it is to say, “Joe, I just wanted to say thank you for all your help.”

Also be thankful to God for the blessings you receive. It is a fact that the more you express gratitude for what you have, the more blessings you will be given. Even if you have yet to discover that God is in fact very real, express gratitude for what you have. If you don’t make a big deal about the things you have the universe will find someone else to give the blessings to.

There is a certain radio announcer on my favorite jazz station that ends his broadcast with, "When the praises go up, the blessings, they fall right back down." Better words can't be said. It's an amazing power this thing called gratitude. It fills your heart with light. It makes you giddy and feel like you got a good dose of childhood again.

You know I suffered a delusion for years. I memorized a verse from the Bible. I'm sure you've heard it, it begins with "The Lord is my Sheppard, I shall not want..." That first statement had me fixated on poverty for decades until I actually understood what it meant. See, I thought it meant that because I had accepted Christ, because I am a Christian, I shouldn't want other words material possessions because my rewards would come later in heaven. It wasn't until much later that I read it in the context of the verse. The Lord is my sheppard I shall not want really means that because the Lord is my God, I shall want for nothing because he is taking care of me. Once I realized this I felt very liberated. I reactivated the flow I had been denying myself for years.

Listen, even if you don't believe in God...give praise for your blessings. Even the small things. If it is just that you feel like some force is kicking in when you do works. (Of course I am hoping you'll see that it works and maybe suspend your disbelief for awhile...but that's up to you!) Thank everyone for the little things. Take nothing for granted.

Maybe this is why things "appreciate" in value huh?

Saturday, May 13, 2006

More Success Content Than Ever!

I'm so excited this weekend because I have launched a podcast called Success Radio 11:11 and it is indexed on Itunes! There are already to segments, the first a personal introduction, the 2nd an interview with professional real estate investor Rick Leonhardt.

If you have Itunes, you can simply click this link to subscribe (clicking this without Itunes won't do you any good, another link follows)

If you don't have Itunes you should! But for now if you'd like to gain access here is the RSS feed:

With that announcement out of the way, I've been thinking a lot about communication and relationships. If you stop to consider how important your relationships are to your own success you immediately realize how important good communication skills are as well.

I had a conversation yesterday with a client of mine and he was telling me about how he realized that respecting peoples internal beliefs is critical to good relationships. He noted how having "things" in common made short term relationships, but having "beliefs" in common created long term relationships. This really struck me as a very interesting truth. This means that finding out a persons beliefs either through direct questioning or by exceptional listening skills and the implied beliefs you can learn from listening is a very important thing to emphasize if you want to be more succesful. If you know what a person believes you can avoid conflicting with the belief.

I would have to add to that a sidenote that I do not believe in using the litmus test approach to life. I do not bend my beliefs or misrepresent myself to anyone in order to obtain favor. Your beliefs are at your very core and to make them adaptable whenever the wind blows in a different direction only makes you a very weak person. I merely mean that if you show respect to someone for their beliefs they will have more of a rapport.

I can give you a great example of this. Go back a generation or two and you will likely find someone in your family that isn't open minded to the homosexual lifestyle. Right or wrong that is what they believe. In my own family I have a relative who is a homosexual and who is very much shunned because his insistance is that one of our old timers accept his lifestyle. I'm not taking sides here, just stating facts. If he would simply not shove his lifestyle in the "old-timers" face he would be much more involved with parts of our family he is currently excluded from. He seems unwilling to do this. I think this unfortunate because I don't think a person's sexuality is by any stretch of the imagination the totality of the person's being. He has thrown himself into exile by parading. I am not saying he should stay in the closet...but that he shouldn't force feed this aspect of himself to people who aren't accepting.

I've always felt that sexual preference only matters when you want to sleep with someone.

In my direct experience, as a Christian, I know that preaching the gospel to everyone I know isn't going to inspire people to come to Christ, in many cases it will simply cost me a friendship. I pray that my friends can see the glory of God, but I don't force feed it. I find that by living the principles of Christianity I can deliver the message much better. When people want to know why my life goes so well, then I can tell them.

Success happens in the "real world." Not everyone will have the same beliefs. Respect that people have beliefs and you'll find friends everywhere you go.

I've always heard people say "Success is more about who you know than what you know." I have to say that my own experiences support this idea. Another one is "you are judged by the company you keep." To know more successful people you'll want to start out by hanging around with the most successful people in your own social circle first. You then network with the most successful people they know, and keep going. You can rise very high into the upper ranks of success in this manner. Be willing to help people accomplish what they want along the way and you'll be a prized new friend!

That's it from me today! I'm off to enjoy my weekend.

All the best!
Bill White

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Focus on the moment, this is the greatest catalyst for change. Do not dwell on what happened in the past, you cannot change what has happened. Do not worry about what is coming in the future, it is still a mystery. Focus on the right now. Where is your mind taking you in this moment? Are you moving toward higher ground or are you wallowing in self-pity?
Moment by moment we make choices that affect who we are and where we go. It is in the details where we make the most difference. Small consistent movements in the positive direction over time build great momentum toward success.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Being a coach makes me think in terms of success all the time. I gain new clients and some people I know immediately are going to climb the mountain to their goals without stopping to take a breath, others will be a flash in the pan and yet others will says one thing and do something completely different. Having coached as many people as I have, I've begun to see some common denominators to the things that make successful people tick.

First, you have to be proactive. If you are the type that waits to be told what to do, you are very likely not going to go the distance. You have to be willing to take action before you are ready and make choices quickly even if they are the wrong choices. People spend most of their time preparing to get started then getting distracted by life, then preparing to get started again. This is like living the first day of kindergarten over and over!

Next, you have to have focus. You have to know what you want if you expect to get it. This is sometimes a significant problem for people. This again is part of the indecisiveness problem. I always tell my clients who can't figure it out, make a choice, if you find the realization of it not fulfilling...create a new dream. There is a lot of power just in that simple concept. For instance, having dated quite a bit in my life before I married, I learned so much about what type of woman I wanted by dating women who weren't the right ones! I'm sure you can relate to this. Make a crystal clear target of what you want and when you want it and you'll be finding it much easier to move toward that target!

Perserverence is another huge critical factor. This is something I learned from my late father...a man who would fix our cars in February with freezing rain coming down around matter how cold, how long he had to be there...he did it. If roadblocks along the way are going to stop you, why start? There is basically nothing that can stop you unless you allow it to. It may slow you down temporarily but most problems are just things you haven't experienced before and have to learn how to handle or overcome.

Attitude is a double edged sword because it all comes down to which side of attitude you want to play on. If you think being negative doesn't take a toll on you, that little thoughts can't destroy your chances of winning...think again! Positive thinking won't take you the whole journey...this is why you can't sit on a mountaintop and meditate your way to a million bucks...but having a Negative Attitude will demotivate you, steal your focus and make other successful people that could help you not want to be around you. You've got to take it on the chin sometimes and keep smiling. You can't always control what happens, but you can control how you react to it!

Finally, you've got to have faith. Faith happens when you say I don't know how this will work out, but I know it will....and then you just do it! I recall hearing a rock and roll star saying blind faith in anything will get you killed. I'll tell you this, blind faith is what has made all the difference to me. When you step out on faith the magic starts happening!

That's it for me today, I'm exhausted and I've gotten lots accomplished. Action, Focus, Perserverence, Attitude and Faith.....

All the best!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

168 Reasons to Manage Yourself:

168 Reasons may seem like a daunting list but let me assure you it is much easier than that. There are 168 hours a week. Now, my point is this,do you know how you are spending those 168 hours weekly?

If you don't, you'll find it hard to make the necessary changes to your schedule that will make the difference between mediocre and exceptional..

Starting this week, take a notepad or at least a piece of scratch paper and start taking inventory on your time. How much do you sleep? Groom yourself? Eat? Travel? Play? Do Chores? Work? Socialize?

Keep adding to your list for a week then add up your totals. You may be surprised at what you find.

It is critical to your success and fulfillment that you take your time very seriously. Time is really the one commodity in life you can't negotiate for very much. You can regain your health, your wealth, often even a lost love, but you can't recover a single second.

How many times have you wanted to really get your life in gear but said you didn't have the time? Now you'll know if you really do or not? If you have hours being wasted on things that don't serve your goals, can you blame anyone but yourself if you don't accomplish them?
Honor yourself by learning to honor your time. You'll be glad you did!"

Sunday, May 07, 2006

On the Verge of Success: Resistance is not futile, it's likely!

How many times have you started a project and, as you approached completion, found yourself losing momentum? How many near misses have you had with success?

In my youth, I was a musician. I practiced with bands for about 15 years in all. One thing I became incredibly aware of is that as my bands got well versed in performing certain songs, we all found ourselves hating them. As I got older, I found the same thing to be true of many types of projects. Quite frequently as we progress through a goal, we started to burn out. Often this burn out leads to us abandoning our goal.

Learning from experience, I've figured out that if you get burned out on a project, it simply means to take a full steam attitude. When you hit burn out, you're almost there!
It is important to keep the momentum going because if you lose it, it is likely to be impossible to get it back.

Here are a few suggestions on how to handle the burn out:
Listen to something inspirational. It doesn't matter if it is Heavy Metal or Tony Robbins, just get yourself psyched up about your project!
Fire up the coffee maker and try to push some overtime. It is often better to strive for a 12 hour stint than keep the momentum from day to day.
Reread your goals or project plans. Often if you simply refocus on your intended goal as it is written explicitly, you'll find that second wind!
Eat lighter meals more frequently. Staying just a bit hungry always seems to make me work harder!
Visualize the project completed. Feel it, smell it, see it and imagine how it will in some way make life better!

Remember anything worth having is worth striving for. I hope these suggestions will help you reach your goals!

All the best to you!


Bill White

Synchronicity Expert

Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Key to Creating Your Own Wealth Creation Plan

The number of people who don't dream of becoming wealthy are few and far between. While money isn't everything, it sure does make life easier. Having too little or too much money both create problems to deal with, but wouldn't you rather have problems with too much money? I've looked all over the web at different methods or claims of creating wealth. It's ashame that there are so many people out there who are using the method of telling someone how to become rich to become rich themselves. Grounding ourselves in the founding principles of our company, trust & truth, I cannot tell you any guaranteed way to become wealthy. Quite honestly there is no magic formula for doing so because every one will have unique experiences in their individual circumstance. That said, I'll share with you the techniques I've used to construct my own wealth plan. It's something I've created an acronym for: LACED™.

The LACED principle™ is fairly straightforward. LACED™ stands for:


If you create a plan using all of these principles, you'll likely have a strong plan.

I've heard many wealthy people speak about leverage. Basically you'll want to use as much leverage as possible to build wealth. You can do so by utilizing vehicles that allow you to control large assets with smaller assets. Some examples of this are, buying an investment piece of real estate with 10% down. This is incredible leverage if you think in terms of the fact that you can control $180,000 worth of property for $18,000. In some cases you may be able to control real estate with absolutely no money down! Another example would be buying stock options. In this case you purchase the right to buy or sell stock but not the obligation. This is a highly risky proposition and should not be tried without extreme due diligence and some understanding of how options work. Suffice it to say that with options, you can control 100 shares of stock (1 contract) for a small fraction of the price of the underlying security. By the same token, a small movement in the right direction on the underlying security can magnify the value of the option considerably.

Next, you should try to automate as much of your plan as possible. Anything that doesn't require you actively working on it will free your time to build greater momentum towards your wealth goals. The internet has greatly enabled strides in this way. Consider how quickly you can buy and sell stocks online, research real estate information, or even sell products completely online through an automated payment process.

Compounding is one of the most powerful tools we can use to build wealth. There are a lot of different strategies for compounding. You may want to reinvest profits in your business to grow the business larger. You may reinvest your returns in the stock market to grow your portfolio more quickly. The more you are able to make your existing assets work for you, the faster you will propel yourself towards wealth.

Some might say that doing things ethically is more of a moral choice than an actual tool for wealth creation, but I will counter with the fact that every major religion on earth I've studied has in some way said what goes around comes around. In other words if you cheat, eventually you're going to lose. Deal with everyone honestly and you'll get wealthy faster. An interesting take on this is something many people won't think about. When you don't have a lot of cash, you don't want to spend money on CPAs, Attorneys or other professionals to help you grow your wealth. You'd like to have their service but don't want to pay the price. This isn't ethical. You wouldn't want to give your labor away, and yet you feel they should. This is where those ethics are really going to make a difference! You get what you pay for and if you try to be cheap you'll very likely get cheap advice.

Finally, you want to make sure the core components are as duplicatable as possible. If something works one time, it may get you a large gain, but if it doesn't work twice it may give you a huge loss the second time around. I've had a lot of my mentors tell me that a lot of small gains are much better than having one big homerun. Find things that leverage, compound and are as automated as possible and then pick those that are duplicatable and you will have an astonishing wealth building machine in place.

I hope you can take this lesson and build your own wealth plan with it. It may sound vague and it is, but I believe it holds all of the secret ingredients you'll need to work your way towards having your wealthy future all LACED up!
All the best to you!

Bill White
Synchronicity Expert

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Positive Expectation Equals Profit: "Positive Expectation=Profit
It's an interesting fact that would seem to border on the supernatural. Simply having a positive expectation can have a significant end result on your bottom line.
I have seen sales increase in my business by doing nothing more than writing higher sales estimates in my forecasts.
I have seen substantial pay raises in my positions for other companies by expecting to get them.

For the next 90 days I'd like you to write down a clear financial goal.
It could be to double your sales over the next 90 days. It could be increasing your pay 10% over the same span of time. It could be growing your portfolio by a percentage.
The three key things to do are the math (i.e. know how much revenue doubling your sales requires), think of it as done and follow your intuition.
I believe you will find simply expecting a result can give you the absolute power to achieve it.
All the best!
Bill White