Wednesday, May 30, 2007

When in Doubt, Look to the Skies

I have to be honest. I've suffered from a little bit of depression for a few days. It's funny, and maybe this is something that can be of use, but I find myself able to gain a sense of detachment when I get depressed that lulls me right through it. I simply notice I'm feeling that way and think, "Look at Bill feeling depressed."

Depression usually comes from feeling fear (which is lack of faith) or from feeling despair (I don't like where I am and feel powerless to change it). I'm blessed to have had enough experience in life to know that change is inevitable and like the weather, these things that were troubling me would pass.

Even still, I'm human. I get caught in a moment and forget what I know. I cried out to God and asked him to speak with me. I'm a little spoiled in that regard after having my audible voice experience in 1999. It's a wonderful blessing to get direct contact but it's more addictive than anything. At any rate, when I woke up yesterday, I checked my voice mails, made a few calls and went downstairs. A colleague of mine rang me and I walked out on my deck for some fresh air.

That's when I heard a cry. It was a red tailed hawk directly over my house, and better still being chased by a crow. Now the last time I had this experience it was 3 days later and I heard the voice that told me to move to Dallas. That said, I'm feeling extremely more confident and my depression has evaporated.

I'm thinking it's time to clean the house just in case God pays another direct visit!

All the best!

Bill White
Synchronicity Expert

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Synchronicity Live! Incredible Call Today!

I just wrapped up the first call today on Decoding Life's Secret Messages. Paul Corben was on the call and started talking about his current progress. Paul is a coaching client of mine and has been becoming increasingly aware of the synchonicity factor in his own life.

Paul mentioned that he and his friend Akira had been looking into jewelery as a business online. They were particularly interested in opals.

Then he told me he had been doing some work on chakras and energy work.

He also mentioned he had 2 seperate incidents with cats interacting with him.

We started discussing the symbolic meanings of cats and I told him how cats energy fields run counterclockwise while human being's energy fields run clockwise and that petting a cat is a known way to realign your energy field.

I suggested he look up the symbolic meaning of opals since he was drawn to look at them. I went and did a google search on the symbolic meaning of opals and the first site I navigated to was a pdf on the opal chakra. I then started reading parts of it to him and mentioned the two colors that were mentioned as being co-joined in the opal chakra, those were pink and green. He told me he was carrying 2 opals in his wallet right now and they were, yes, pink and green.

Overall, today's call was amazing. Paul felt very confident that the choices he is making are carrying him in the right direction. I'll see if I can get Paul to write up something from his perspective on today's event.

All the best!
Bill White
Synchronicity Expert

Decoding Life's Secret Messages

Synchronicity Expert Bill White speaks about how the Universe or "higher intelligence" uses things like dreams, coincidence and animals to send messages to us about discovering and living out our personal destiny.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Animals Are Messengers

By now I hope you've viewed the video I posted on the basics of power animals. Throughout my life, I've received many messages through animals that told me things I needed to know. Have you seen any animals that you would consider unusual or noteworthy recently? If you see an animal in an uncharacteristic setting, or your see that animal multiple times in a short period, you may be getting a message.

To discern what that message is requires you to spend some time thinking about the particular qualities of the animal. What are it's primary characteristics that make it unique? What color/s is it? What does it eat? What does it do? How does it communicate? You may find it helpful to look the particular animal up and learn about it from a scientific standpoint. I recently told you the story of my Mother's experience with the crows. When she went home, she found a crow feather in the back yard. This is unusual because crows usually eat their feathers. She kept it.

In her case, she didn't understand what they were saying until the events unfolded, but she did know to be on the lookout, perhaps a little more careful in her living. This is often the case.

Animals don't have to appear in normal waking reality to have significance. Sometimes we see them in dreams, or we run into symbols of them. For instance, you might find a carved animal at a yard sale, find the same animal on a poster, then see a clip of it on a television show as you flip the channels. If that happened in the course of a day, I'd say you need to look into it.

Remember that all life is connected. We only think that we are seperate from the world around us. This philosophy permeates almost all religions. Even in Christianity it is said "For in him we live and breathe and move about..." The Norse believe in the Web of Wyrd, a tapestry or web where all things connect. The Judaic tradition brings us the tree of life via the Kabbala. East Indian culture talks of the web of Indra.

Bottom line, learn to pay more attention to the world around you. Wake up and see the communication that is everywhere.

All the best!
Bill White
Synchronicity Expert

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Meaning of Numbers. I often speak about numbers as a part of the language the universe uses to communicate with us. The following are some fun videos I found that give an introduction to meditation on the meanings of numbers.

All the best!
Bill White

This video is a great introduction to Power Animals.

I found this video today on YouTube and thought you would benefit from watching it. I refer to power animals alot in talking about synchronistic experiences. This gives a primer on what different animals mean. Please feel free to comment!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Synchronicity - Another Case of Power Animals Bringing A Message

On May 17th, my Mother called me and told me that she had something going on in her yard that was very odd. She said there was 5 crows in the back yard squawking. She went to see what they were doing and found a 6th crow on the ground acting as if it had something wrong, seemingly unable to fly. She asked me what I thought it meant, fearing it meant she shouldn't make her planned flight out to Dallas to visit me. I told her to care for the crow, bring it food and water, but that I didn't think it meant anything life threatening.

Later that afternoon, she walked her dogs to the end of the street, and at the corner, again, a group of crows began squawking and flew off towards her house. She returned home to find them in her yard carrying on. She went to check on the "hurt" crow and it was gone.

My Mother arrived on the 18th. We had a really nice weekend visit. Sunday evening, just a little while ago, she discovered that she lost her wallet. She panicked, knowing she needed her identification to fly back home tomorrow morning at 6am. I told her to calm down, to be in "faith", that all would be well. I went up to Walgreens, but they hadn't seen it. I returned home and she said she thought she misplaced it at WalMart. I called up there, and sure enough, they had it. We got it back.

The interesting parallel, or message that the crows brought was that she would seem to be unable to fly (lost ID) but that given a short period of time, she would find that she could fly.

All the best!
Bill White
Synchronicity Expert

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Enthusiasm Day by Day Now Available On Amazon and Barnes!

I wanted to let everyone know that my latest book Enthusiasm Day by Day, co-authored with Ineke Van Lint is no available on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

It's a 365 day success plan touching on all 4 aspects of life, health, wealth, love and time. Designed to be used like a journal, the pages have copious amounts of white space meant for you to enter your personal observations, thoughts and experiences as they relate to each daily entry.

Ineke and I wrote it together to balance both a masculine and feminine perspective.

Please drop by and have a look or even grab a copy!

On Amazon:

On Barne's & Noble:

All the best!
Bill White

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's been awhile, but wow what a synchronicity experience tonite!

I had to share this because as most people who know me or of me know I am a devoted student of synchronicity.

Tonite we had a severe thunderstorm..not an uncommon event this time of year in Texas. However, I found this event very telling. The storm was rolling in and I was reading Jung's work Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle , half watching tv and reclining on the couch. I fell asleep early. I woke up at about 1/4 to midnight and went out front. I looked over and noticed the tree in my side/front yard had been completely knocked over and discovered it had been struck by lightning.

I find this interesting because of several things.

1) On the day Carl Jung died, lightning struck his favorite tree in his garden.

2) Jupiter's 3 thunderbolts represent chance, destiny and providence.

3) The Navajos won't touch a tree hit by lightning...that is except for their shamans.

So of course, being the obsessive compulsive researcher that I am, I contemplate what this means to me, and go web surfing to dig up more food for thought.

so I'm looking up symbology of lightning...digging deeper.

I continued looking up symbology of lightning and came to this page:

A line on the page caught my attention: Lightning suggests he is about to receive a dramatic wake-up call.

Then I checked my email and noticed some activity on my myspace page so I navigated to Myspace where I noticed
immediately a video ad that said:

When I wake Up
Wintergreen "When I Wake Up" Music Video Directed by Keith Schofield.

So it appears that I'm due for a wake up call of some kind.

These are the messages I talk about in my lectures on Decoding Life's Secret Messages happening live tonite!

You can see my take on these signs from the Universe here: